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发布时间:2012/11/19 9:56:00 访问次数:8488



演讲话题:Barack Obama’s Victory Speech After Re-election 奥巴马连任演讲

组织者:刘琳  程茜


齐润坤: passionate, patriotism, humor, determination, good team spirit, policy on unemployment

叶楠:  generosity, typical of American culture, solidarity, policy on veterans

马晓豫:  respectful, patriotic, grateful, concern and sympathy for ordinary citizens





地点:会议室(1  高中部办公楼四层校长办公室对面

演讲主题: My City —— Beijing

1.  Which place of interest in Beijing attracts you most? The Forbidden City? The Temple of Heaven? Or simply an unknown place which you have a special sentiment or affection for?

2. What don’t you like about Beijing? The heavy traffic jam? The polluted environment? ...... How could it be improved in your opinion?

相关词汇: be attached to sb / sth 依恋某人/某物

           native  n. 本地人  /  native-born  adj. 出生于某地的

           see  vt. 见证

           have an affection for......喜爱...

           (multi- storey) skyscraper  摩天大楼

           high-rise apartment  高层住宅

           tourist attraction / tourist destination 旅游胜地

           infectious 有感染力的

           a fascinating mix of the past and the present 古老与现代的完美融合

           tea houses 茶馆  /  designer store  品牌商店

           a courtyard with homes built around 四合院

           the highway circling the city 环路

           accessible to foreigners 容易被外国人接受的

           public transport 公共交通  /  means of transport 交通方式

           a booming global city 一座快速发展的国际化城市

           cultural sights 文化景点

           fascinating  /  stunning   极具吸引力的,极漂亮的

           infrastructure 基础设施 for example, roads, communications, banking systems



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